The eradication of hunger and malnutrition is an ancient challenge and still currently faced by the national and international community. This is mankind’s oldest quest as well as its most elusive goal. MUNED will like to ask this question

“why is it that after centuries of effort of fighting hunger and malnutrition, there is still not enough food for everyone, and that despite the tremendous advances in the world capacity to productively utilize resources, millions die each year of starvation and malnutrition? A genuine answer to this question can only be sought if we research on the problem”


According to National Agricultural Research published by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in 1984, hunger and malnutrition and similar issues are being debated with increasing frequency in international fora. The problems of food, hunger and rural poverty were given particular attention by the world Food Conference (WFC) in 1974 followed by the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) in 1979. The search for a solution has been prominent in the present North – South dialogue on a New International Economic Order. This show over years, man has never ceased to be threatened by hunger and malnutrition. Thus, it is of importance to seek an ever lasting solution to this problem.


To resolve the problem of hunger and malnutrition currently affecting the world, there is no doubt that we have to make agriculture the centre part of mankind.

Agriculture, being one of the mankind’s oldest activities, has provided the basis for the rise of civilization. If M’muock (Fosimondi) is what it is today, it is thanks to agriculture. Despite the contributions of agriculture to the development and civilization of M’muock as well as the eradication of hunger and malnutrition in Cameroon and CEMAC Region, M’muock people have not received enough support from the national or international Technical Assistance Partners like United Nation Development Programmes (UNDP) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). It is on records that UNDP and FAO have actually supported developing countries including Cameroon in strengthening their national Agricultural Research Systems and many national development projects have been implemented but MUNED concern remains why M’muock which is one of the main producers of food stuff like Irish potatoes, carrots, cabbage, etc have not benefited from such grants and assistance.

Thus, as a research and publication network, MUNED is seeking the possibility of letting M’muock people gain access to both national and international grants and assistance. MUNED shall play the intermediary role of linking M’muock people with both national and international technical assistance partners in the domain of agriculture so that together we can tackle the problem of hunger and malnutrition in Cameroon and CEMAC Region.


While linking M’muock people with technical assistance partners, MUNED shall focus on agricultural research. The World Food Conference (WFC), the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD), the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) Programme of Action and FAO Conferences have all stressed the importance of research in the development of appropriate technology for the rural sectors, emphasising increases research efforts for food grains, farm tools and farm structures. These international assemblies have called particularly for :

1) An increased share of funds for research on problems of rural areas including socio-economic,

2) The better adaptation of research activities to rural needs.

3) Intensification of research on the special problems of less favorable production condition such as rainfed agriculture and shifting cultivation, on harvest and post-havest losses and storage, on energy uses for agriculture, and on a balanced approach to the exploitation of natural resources.


Just as hunger and malnutrition remains fundamental problems affecting the world, such problems can only be resolved if we encourage researches and design special agricultural programmes that seeks to improve world food production.

By MUNED Team ( 2018)

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Tianguam Rosetang

    Thank you MUNED for the agricultural support to M’muock community.

  2. chief Forlemu R N

    A very interesting beginning and nice write up. I will hope that our brothers and sisters in areas of competence will join this team to investigate how our productivity could improve but above all the transformation of our primary products in the village before marketing them. For example, freezing Potatoes will prolong its duration and increase its value. It is indeed our join responsibilities to join this team in transforming our agreeculture

    1. NjofieWilson

      Thank you very much Your Highness. You have raised a very important point which the MUNED team and the entire M’Muock community have to look into. We do really appreciate, Your Highness.

  3. Younti Daniel Tiafie (NkemTiafie)

    Thank you Guys sincerely for what you are doing for the M’muock Community. This initiative is going to be very fruitful one day with the coming in of some international donors. My prayer is that MUNED should continue to grow from Strength to Strength.

    1. NjofieWilson

      Thank you so much Mr. Younti Daniel. We so much appreciate your support.

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