• Post category:Blog / Reports

Following the holding of the MUNED Constitutive General Assembly (MUNED-CGA) on the 12th of May, 2018 at Mbelenka in M’muock (Fosimondi), these resolutions were taken:

Resolution #1: The assembly adopted that the relevant international  treaties and conventions on freedoms of associations ratified by the Republic of Cameroon will be add to the preamble of MUNED constitution.

Resolution #2: The assembly adopted that the membership registration fees will be 20 000 Fcfa initially and a yearly renewal 10 000 Fcfa for regular members and 5 000 Fcfa for students.

Resolution #3: The assembly adopted that the Executive Committee of MUNED shall be:

i) The National Coordinator

ii) The Assistant National Coordinator

iii) The Administrative Secretary

iv) The Financial Secretary (who is equally the Treasurer).

Resolution #4: The assembly adopted that a bank account will be opened with a suitable bank and all Monies will be paid in that bank account.

Resolution #5: The assembly adopted that the Financial Secretary can withdraws money from the bank account upon authorization of the National Coordinator and the Administrative Secretary.

Resolution #6: The assembly adopted that behaviors not specifically punished by the constitution shall be discussed by the General Assembly and the fine adopted will be binding on all subsequent such behavior.

Resolution #7: The assembly adopted that the Executive Committee will compile the list of all would be new members and submit to the General Assembly for discussion and adoption.

Resolution #8: The assembly adopted that urgent projects to be implemented by MUNED include:

i) Registration of MUNED

ii) Interview of our elders and notables

iii) Website finalization

iv) Complete the book on M’muock titled “The M’muock people of the Republic of Cameroon”

Timeline will be set for the accomplishment of each MUNED project so that progress can be accessed (that 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)

Resolution #9: The assembly voted the Executive Committee members to be:

1) The National Coordinator—Mr. Tianguam Rosetang

2) The Assistant National Coordinator—Mr Njofie Wilson

3) The Administrative Secretary—Dr. Patricia Nkweteyim

4) The Financial  Secretary /Treasurer—Dr Asobo Elvis

Resolution #10: After the review of the constitution, the constitution was then adopted by the members present pending some corrections to be made in the constitution.

Done on the 12th of May, 2018 at Mbelenka in M’muock (Fosimondi) Kingdom



Mr. Mofor Dennis Fozao



Dr. Patricia Nkweteyim

Download the Resolutions of of the MUNED Constitutive General Assembly

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