The Executive Committee established by Article 12 of the MUNED Constitution and its members are voted according to article 14 of the same Constitution at the General Assembly for two years renewable term of office. Their responsibility is to implement or execute all the resolutions of the General Assembly and see into day-to-day running of the organization. Their annual reports are given at the General Assembly through Annual Meetings. Therefore, this is the Executive and Management Organ of the organization.

The Executive Committee members comprise of the National Coordinator who is the head of the Committee, The Assistant National Coordinator, The Administrative Secretary and The Financial Secretary (who equally serves as the Treasurer). The present Executive Committee members were voted by the MUNED Constitutive General Assembly (MUNED-CGA) that took place on the 12th of  May, 2018 at the organizational head quarter, Mbelenka (M’muock) where the main office is located. The members include :

  • The National Coordinator, Mr Tianguam Rosetang
  • The Assistant National Coordinator, Mr Njofie Wilson
  • The Administrative Secretary, Dr. Patricia Nkweteyim
  • The Financial Secretary, Dr. Asobo Elvis N

Since their election and installation, MUNED organization has witnessed a rapid growth due to their dynamic efforts in pursuing the goals, mission and vision of the organization.

 Click here to read the resolutions of the MUNED-CGA.

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